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Subotica was created in 2004,

At that time Jean Michel - then a guitar player in several Bordeaux bands (Maudit Manège / Les Géraldines) - decides to brings his accumulated compositions by forming his own band.

Stepping in the singer's shoes, he recruits Fred and Laurent, respectively the bass and guitar players in HEREIN, then recording their 1st album with Chris Birkett (POGUES / SINNEAD O’CONNORD). On the drums, long time fellow Jimmy (formerly drummer in Les Géraldines and in the 90s with cult Nantes punk rock band SHTAUSS signed by CLOSER) will hold the sticks .

This unlikely combination may be what makes the strength and talent of SUBOTICA. From then on the lyrically-guided compositions find a brand new energy and power. As if Dominique A had a band with 2 goths and a punk.
On the whole the various influences of Dominique A, Christophe MIOSSEC, THIEFAINE , NOIR DESIR and more subtle ones like KAT ONOMA of whom they cover a song or even INTERPOL with also touches of chanson française (Ferré, Brel).