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Born in 2005 in a corridor after a concert by M83 at Poste à Galène. Ümlaut compose throughout the years, lives of every one and feelings. From the countryside to the city, from high-school to independence, from friendship to a band, bits of harmonies to compositions, from step to new step, the goal is reached together in this collective project.
Dark Pop, poetic Rock with indie American influences, Blues, Post-Punk, Post-Rock, unclassifiable, Timeless, Inhabitied.
Ümlaut makes very personal new tracks, work on a music that mixes subtly mixes genres with a certain taste for finely crafted creation. Thoroughness perfectly describes this first record which likes to saty in the shadow to better tame the light. Wfenec
ur des structures étranges et bricolées. Borzum, Abus Dangereux

Ümlaut explore jazz like you explore play dough, playing with the malleability of the matter to draw new structures. Gerald de oliveira, A découvrir absolument