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C'est Pas Des Manières

«C'EST PAS DES MANIERES», a multidisciplinary art society which was created in 1992, unites about a hundred artists (dancers, choreographers, musicians, videomakers, film directors) and other art performing professionals (sound engineers, light designers, cameramen, film editors, booking agents, producing agents and press agents)

Since 2000 «C'est Pas Des Manières» has been working on the development of culture in the Rhône-Alpes region:
Creation of an independant record label
National and international booking for artists from the region (tour, distribution, communication)
Administrative backing (professional music diffusion licence) and the follow-up to artistic projects, technical help to artists (recording, film making, performing)

«C'est Pas Des Manières»' s partners are the Rhône-Alpes region, the Planetarium of Vaulx-en-Velin, the towns of Villeurbanne, Meyzieu, Vénissieux and Lyon.
It also works with privates societies which are specialized in art creation and production:Adami, Spedidam, SPPF.
The music label also works with other independant record labels from the region like «Jarring Effects» and from the world like «Voxtone» in Canada and «Are You Listening» from Ireland and the USA.

Some of «C'est Pas Des Manières»'s realizations:

Video realization:
triptych video for the Nobel Prize association centenary
Babylon Circus's video-clip «J'aurais bien voulu»

Music production: Fun Carmen, Leitmotiv Blastik Pertran,Jo Staline
Booking: Polish and Canadian tour for Fun Carmen, The «Cabarets Populaires» 2007- 2008.

To give to the artists the means to express themselves is to stand up for oneself against ignorance and barbarism.
